2023 Session 5 – Litter Waste

Topic: Litter Waste

The aim of this session is to learn about litter waste and how we can tackle this issue to keep the environment clean. Students will post comments on Padlet, identifying ways to reduce litter waste and discuss ways of keeping the environment clean. A video will also be shown to think about how people can take care of the environment and be aware of the recycling process in their community or country. To find out what people think about recycling and litter waste, students will also create MS Form surveys using Office 365 to collect responses and finally, write a report including their aims and results of their surveys.

Lesson Objectives:


  • To identify at least 10 ways to reduce litter waste and keep the environment clean
  • To be aware of the recycling process in your community/country
  • To create MS Form surveys using Office 365
  • To identify the features of report writing skills
  • To compose at least 4 questions using open ‘Wh’ type and close questions

Task 1 – Padlet – Introduction to litter waste and how to take care of the environment

Made with Padlet

Task 2 –How to take care of the environment

Link to ESL video page: https://en.islcollective.com/english-esl-video-lessons/listening-comprehension/deep-listening-focus-on-meaning/nature-exercise/428044

Task 3 – Lakshmi Banner Presentation – How to write reports

Task 4 – MS Form Surveys

MS Forms Survey pages

Task 5 – Reports on Litter Waste

Click on the Screenshots to open the PDF report for that item in a new tab.

Task 6 – Students’ Feedback

Student feedback for session 5

Student feedback session 5